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Soon to Go Forth

After two years of study, writing, memorizing, and reading a group of men are about to go forth to preach the saving message of Christ! Seven men have proved their determination by diligence in their studies. I must say that the hours invested in these men at the Andrew Connally School of Preaching has been challenging for them as well as their instructors. Even though instruction has been giving in the English language, English is not the native language for any of these men. Also, there is a wide range of abilities within this group. But it is thrilling indeed to see how they have grown during their extended learning journey.

Recently these men completed their final exams in the Missions class I have been teaching. One writing assignment required that they submit a vision plan for themselves. I would like to share some excerpts from their writings, which will provide a window into what some will go forth to do.

Jared“After graduation my plan is to go back home in my village where I come from in Kenya, to preach the word of God.”… “My prayer is that, if it could be possible to move and plant another church in the city.”… “Most of the women in Africa are influenced by the western culture in that they are often working, while also the husband works.” He speaks of the Bible teaching of women being keepers at home. “As for my wife, she will do as the word of God says . . . so that she may have good example in the village…”

George“I will go to Kenya after graduation. . ..” “In the village where I come from there is no local congregation ….” He goes on to say that “when some are converted, I will train them to be preachers and encourage the saints to support themin order for them to give themselves to preaching.”

PiusI will “concentrate my activities in Lugari District…” “Matunda Township which has about thirty thousand residents,as per the 2009 census.” “This Township is practically mushroomed by over 25 denominational groups.” “To me, every person, from a herd’s boy to the President is a potential Christian.”

Raymondhe sets his sights on “some parts of Uganda but mostly in Democratic Republic of Congo.” “I thank God for having given such an excellent wife Prov. 12:4; 11:16.” “The idea of going with young men, I have taken it in, in terms of training them also. Paul also did this in his missions he took Timothy, Titus, Silvanus, etc.”

Included in this graduating class is Jane, who purpose for attending ACSOP is to gain more Bible knowledge so that she can be a more effective teacher of God’s Word to women and children.

We thank all our supporters for making this training effort possible. Please pray for these men as they
soon go forth.