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God’s Providence: Who Can Fathom?

Julia and Lee, Wedding Date:  July 23, 2010

Our wonderful supporters often ask questions which indicate their genuine concern for our children. It is one thing for Joy and I to make a commitment to live in a third world country, but what about the impact upon our children? These issues have been the subject of many prayers and careful consideration on our part. Some time back Joy authored an article entitled: Are We Asking Too Much! The high spiritual standard we have set for our own children we also expect from any who might be interested in courting our children. One valid question arises: Can we expect to live far from America, and have exacting expectations, and expect our children to find a suitable mate?

Having read the title of this entry, you already may know where this is headed. God’s providential workings cannot be fathomed by the human mind (cf. Rom. 11:33). I firmly believed that even with the seeming limitations of living here in Africa, God would not be hindered in answering our many prayers to bless our children with a mate at the appropriate time. Those prayers have been answered for our eldest child, Julia. We thank God for allowing her and us to meet Lee Parish. May we trust God’s willingness to bless us (cf. Rom.8:32).   GJ