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People Keep Asking . . .

I have been receiving many requests from dear brethren for one of my sermon outlines on Modest Apparel.  Every preacher ought to be concerned about preaching the whole counsel of God (Acts 20:27).  Apparently there is some lack of clear, Scripture-filled lessons on this subject.  I am therefore providing a sermon outline.  Please use it as a study tool.  Those who have been asking seem to be of high caliber; saints who are serious and thirsty for godliness.  It is my prayer that the verses herein provided be pondered deeply and appropriate application be made.  The lewdness of the world has deeply influenced God’s people.  Joy and I are concerned about how shockingly unclad some Christians are dressing these days.  I have even heard of some men refusing to serve the Lord’s supper because such would expose them to standing over others who are sitting exposed.  May we all set an example of Christian purity.

George Jensen

Click below to download lesson:

Modest Apparel