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The Great Commission’s Second Part

Our Lord gave us a monumental charge – to go into all the world with the saving gospel.  He died that men might live.  This commission in His own words reads: “Go ye therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit:” (Matthew 28:19).  The “second part” of this charge is: “teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world” (Matthew 28:20).

Once a soul has been freed from the bondage of sin, continued teaching is vital to further strengthen this initial foundation of faith.  The attrition rate among new converts is often traceable to inadequate initial teaching and the lack of “counting the cost.”  But also, the lack of follow-up teaching plays a part.

We are blessed with a good group of new converts here in Iringa.  On the 7th of this month we hosted a Friday evening teaching and fellowship time.  We had a great turnout.  Joy had prepared a number of traditional African dishes and the Samfords also contributed more.  The included picture shows the wall ledge which served as a buffet “table.”

Following our nice meal we all gathered in our living room and I delivered a lesson – The Problem of Human Suffering.  It is amazing how far back in time misconceptions about this subject can be traced.  Even in the time of Job (Job was likely a Patriarch; Job might be the oldest Book in our Bibles) his “friends” made the assumption that since he was suffering he must have some personal sin.  Furthermore, they surmised that since he was suffering greatly, then his sin must be grievous.

Superstition, witch-doctors, and such like are still so deeply rooted in this culture.  It is so important that our new brothers and sisters be taught the truth regarding these issues.  I have been amazed at how many Christians here seem to still be in mental bondage to some of these deep seeded fears.  Many believe Jesus can save, but still are concerned that a witch-doctor might put a curse upon them.  Freedom from such fears is just one among many blessings that those in Christ should enjoy!

We keep on teaching.  Please keep on praying for us.
George Jensen 2011