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The last month or so has been quite hectic for our family.  We realize that there haven’t been many blog posts lately.  We have been so busy just trying to keep our heads above water.   Most of the month of March George spent going back and forth to Arusha, in between all of his other work, trying to get the house we are renting livable.  Without actually living there, it was very difficult to do that, so we decided to go ahead and get moved.

March 29th was our last services with the brethren in Moshi.  There happened to be a potluck noon meal and singing planned for that day, which we enjoyed with our brothers and sisters.  We have come to love our brethren here very much, and will miss them.  I think that some of the children in Moshi will particularly miss Julia and Lindsey.  March 30 a truck was loaded with many of our household belongings.  This was the first spent the first night in our house.   The 31st some of the family went back to Moshi to get another load, while Lindsey and I stayed behind to work on unpacking.  We still have a few things left in Moshi that we need to get, but for the most part, we are moved in.  We’ve had a lot of plumbing/water issues that need to be resolved, but there is no place in Africa that doesn’t have one problem or another.  We’ve been relating to our ancestors, and have been heating water on the stove in order to get hot water.  In spite of a few inconveniences, we really like the house and location.

The mission team is beginning to put planning in high gear, in preparation for campaign time.  On April 9th I hosted a brunch for the other missionary wives, and then we had a planning meeting for various upcoming events.

April 11 a small group from Bear Valley arrived.  They will be here for two weeks, and have been doing a variety of things to help the work here – Mike Hite teaching a short course at the school, as well as other teaching and preaching.  Mike’s wife Lynn Hite, along with Kathy Pollard, have taught some classes for ladies.  The missionary families have taken turns feeding them supper, and we enjoyed having them in our home Friday.

Yesterday, the 18th, Stephanie Stafford hosted a luncheon for the Tanzanian preacher’s wives.  We had several lessons geared towards various issues commonly faced by preacher’s wives.  Lessons were given by Trina Gee, Anita Hochdorf, Kathy Pollard, and me.  Everyone seemed to enjoy the day very much.  Afterward, the missionary wives met to have another planning meeting for the Bible classes for children, which will be taught during campaign time.  It was a full day for all of us.

Today we worshiped with the Kisongo congregation.  Their building is located near the school of preaching.  Julia had to stay home today, due to being sick – likely tonsillitis.  George and Jacob have been sick, but are better now, and I guess it’s Julia’s turn.

Tomorrow, the 20th George and I are celebrating our 24th anniversary.  George surprised me with plans for a little get away for the two of us, which we both desperately need.

We are gearing up for several groups of visitors, who are coming to help with the work.  We look forward to seeing and working with various folks who will be coming our way – some who are already dear friends, and others who are friends we have not yet met.

May the Lord bless you as you work for Him.
Love, Joy