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Our Sunday

Sunday we worshiped with the Monduli Juu congregation, which is located in..you guessed it…Monduli Juu.  We’ve worshiped with them once before, right before going on furlough, and have wanted to return.  The membership of the congregation is primarily Massai. They have grown in number since the last time we were there, thanks to the evangelistic efforts of various Christians.

George was asked to teach the Bible class and I was asked to teach the children’s Bible class, which we both did.  Every item of worship took a longer amount of time, because there were three languages used:  English, Swahili and Massai.  The congregation is very friendly and enthusiastic.  It’s a very unique experience, much different, even, than worshiping in only Swahili. They sang songs both in Massai and Swahili. Here is an audio clip of a Massai song.

Massai Singing

Until next time!