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Ilulissat, Greenland

Ilulissat, Greenland

In May of 2017, I made a trip to Greenland. I was interested in finding out if there was a trace anywhere of the Lord’s church. Possibly some Christians may have come and gone at the remote U.S. Air Force base at Thule. But I could find no simple New Testament Christians in the above mentioned cities. I am not aware if the church has every existed in Greenland. I believe God’s people need to be more purposeful in bringing the gospel to places it has not yet gone!

On that trip, it was just young Seth Howard and myself who made the journey. Walking in the cold from house to house, we climbed hundreds of stairs to houses perched on rock, passing out literature in the capital city of Nuuk, and also Sisimuit (the largest and second largest cities in the country).

Please consider these unfolding events. Someone in Greenland was accessing material from World Video Bible School. Brother Rudy contacted William Howard, who contacted me. We were able to establish e-mail contact with Pauli. She is a Filipino lady working in a fish packing plant in Ilulissat, Greenland.

Ilulissat is the third largest city in Greenland, situated about 220 miles north of the artic circle. Joy and I have been having some Bible studies with Pauli via Skype. It turns out she is acquainted with the Lord’s church, but she feels her baptism at age 13 was not valid. She is asking us to come and teacher her more and immerse her into Christ!

There are about 40 other Filipinos living and working in Ilulissat. Pauli has already told them about our coming and is looking for a place to hold Bible studies. Please pray for this effort to establish the Lord’s church in Greenland. It may be that Pauli can be our “Lydia” to make this beginning.

We are scheduled to Leave Evansville, IN after services on February 9 and return on the 26, 2020. Average high temps for February are 13.8°F and the average lows are -0.9°F. As usual we are committed to traveling with carry-on only luggage. The propeller planes used by Air Greenland are small, and traveling this way allows us to be more flexible with last minute flight changes, etc.